For my first month of Crumbs 4 Charleston, $350 was raised for One80 Place!
Why One80 Place?
Working in the public relations industry for restaurants, I am often treated to extravagant meals that I am lucky to indulge in. While I try my best to be thankful and recognize how grateful I am for my #workperk meals, I would be completely lying if I said I could imagine what it would be like to not have access to food every day. To be homeless and hungry is a concept so foreign to many of our everyday lives but a reality for many people in the city of Charleston. One80 Place is a remarkable shelter downtown that hands out free meals to the homeless 365 days of the year- averaging 185 lunches a day. The food they serve and prepare, along with kitchen supplies come from a budget of zero dollars- relying solely on donations from the community. In addition to providing food, One80 Place also offers shelter and support services like medical exams, counseling, and employment courses to help people turn their lives around. One80 Place is an organization you can be confident in giving your money towards- one that will make a direct and meaningful impact to many who need it right in our own backyard.
Thanks Charlotte for choosing One80 Place this month as your Crumbs 4 Charleston charity. We greatly appreciate your support. I would love to hear how you heard about our organization. I was going to email you but I could not find a contact. I would love to give you a tour of the facility sometime! Let me know if you are interested. 🙂
Again, thank you for your generous support. Your goodies look yummy!
Katie Smith
One80 Place
Dear Charlotte:
I am so impressed and SO proud of you! Having just recently completed my own website (still working on my blog), I know how much goes into an endeavor like this and how all-consuming it is. Your dedication shows! I SO wish I could purchase your baked goods. I’m a baker and love sweets, and yours look so yummy. Best of all, sales support a good cause. I wish you all the luck in the world with your new venture!
Aunt Suzi