Crumbs 4 Charleston raised $250 for East Cooper Meals on Wheels for May & June.
Why East Cooper Meals on Wheels?
As someone who is fortunate enough to never have to worry about where my next meal will come from, its easy to forget the hundrds of neighbors we have in our own Charleston backyard who are unable to feed themselves. East Cooper Meals on Wheels combats hunger in the Lowcountry by delivering daily nutrition to residents who are homebound east of the Cooper (serving Mount Pleasant, Daniel Island, Isle of Palm and Sullivans Island), regardless of age or income. Qualified recipients receive a hot, midday meal delivered to their door Monday through Friday by a ECMOW volunteer. There is no waiting list and no charge for the meals. Over 158,000 meals were delivered in 2017- which is beyond awesome if you ask me! In 2015, ECMOW introduced its Feeding Friends program, opening up service to people in outpatient care while recovering from transplant or surgery. Your #Crumbs4Charleston order will go directly towards providing the daily nutrition that our neighbors need to remain living independently in their own homes. More information on ECMOW can be found at www.ecmow.org.
*If you or someone you know is in need of a meal, please review the eligibility criteria on the website below and contact ECMOW directly.